“You need to have been up there in person, if you want to get an idea of its greatness and magnificence, and then that moment will become one of the most beautiful and unforgettable experiences in your whole life.”
C. C. Lorenz Hirschfeld.
Beautiful scenery can be truly moving, stirring deep-seated emotions and feelings of unity and oneness. From the top of Mount San Salvatore, the views are especially impressive and magnificent, extending 360 degrees.
In addition to the existing lookouts, the visitor has access to an exclusive terrace near the Restaurant Vetta that turns like a “crown jewel” to the south.
It is a renovated panoramic viewpoint, spectacular, well-kept, safe and always accessible, which also thanks to information boards with geographical satellite maps acts as a meeting point for visitors.
From mid-July 2020, a yellow frame – nicknamed Freezy Frame – allows for a better view of the spectacular panorama stretching from the Italian Alps of Piedmont to the Pennine Alps of Switzerland. A total of 16 glaciers can be observed from our terrace.
The objective of this collaboration with the Swiss NGO Recogn.ice is to understand the presence and importance of the cryosphere, the earth’s surface covered by ice, and to raise awareness about its problematic melting. Look and pose with these glaciers through the frame and share your photos on social networks with the hashtag #recognice and #montesansalvatore!
Discover more about these glaciers, their etymology and their evolution on the dedicated Recogn.ice website: www.recognice.org/sansalvatore/
Tel.: +41 91 985 28 28
Fax: +41 91 985 28 29
email: info@montesansalvatore.ch
A moment to relax and rest, at just stone’s throw from the frenetic pace of the city